Great thing of us forgot! (aka ‘whoops’)

So in my exceitement following last week’s PDtP session (more on that below), I completely forgot to set up and publicise the booking arrangements for next Wednesday’s Counterpint in the Cafe.

I’ve corrected this now and the booking page is now live so please go ahead and sign up. (Having left it so late to tell you about it, we may end up being low in terms of numbers; if this proves to be the case we may have to rethink things but do go ahead and register if you want to come along.)

I’m not sure how many of June’s PDtP numbers will make it on to the Cafe Counterpint setlist as they were a mixed bunch, some of which worked a lot better than others. (On that note, let’s never speak of Bateson‘s And must I needs depart. Never, ever.) However, it was still very much a fun evening of singing so thanks to all who came.

Apologies once again for the Cafe Counterpint oversight but I hope many of you can still make it. I promise to be more diligent in setting up July’s PDtP, which will almost certainly be on Monday July 3rd; details to follow next week.

